Friday, 13 December 2013

I Can't Help It (Part 2)

One of the Most inspiring stories of Success I have ever heard is the story of Hellen Keller. You see, blind people or deaf people are not exactly too hard to find. But people who are both bind and deaf, now that is rare. Hellen Keller was one of such. She was blind and deaf. She became the first blind and deaf person to get a Bachelor of Arts diploma, became a prolific author and today has a day in her honor partly because her teacher Anne Sullivan was able to break down the communication  barrier and accept her for who she was. She could have given up, there was no point especially considering the absence of modern day medical advances. No she held on too her dream and a motivation.

In our journey sometimes we need an Anne Sullivan to our Hellen Keller. It could be a thought, a person, a quote, a dream or even a song. Personally I run to God, my dreams and Music. The important thing is find something that keeps you going. That situation may be tough, you may feel frustration rising like never before sometimes you feel like you are swallowing yourself in your own stupidity and flaws but you must find something that keeps you moving.

You see, drug addicts are addicted because, they use drugs to keep them going and sane. I am antagonistic towards the use of drugs, but what is your own drug. Where or what or who do you run to when you are in that tight spot

Be wise whatever or whoever is your must be positively and adequately equipped to help drag you out of yourself. Don't give up

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